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Ivory ( 241 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 6, 2006 at 05:43 PM


well Easters gonning and the bunnies getting ...fat? tell me about easter- what does it mean to you, and more importantly whats your fav chocolate egg to get come easter mornign

.....just go for it

we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars


silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 6, 2006 at 05:44 PM


Chocolate and mini eggs. Easter should be all year.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 6, 2006 at 06:08 PM


"Well, it's a time of rebirth, isn't it? When Our Lord Je-"


Sorry, I love that joke.

Easter was always a good laugh when I was wee. Enough chocolate for weeks and the start of decent weather again. Not to mention my birthday (not that I ever got any gifts apart from orange peel, because we were fiercely poor, and had to regularly burn our house down for the insurance).


Accounting Troll ( 145 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 6, 2006 at 06:42 PM


Easter? I resent spending out good money on one molecule thick easter eggs. And as it's a school holiday, I also have to put up with my paper arriving late for two whole weeks!

For me, it also means the tourist season starting in ernest. This means more crowds of American tourists saying "Gee, isn't this a cute lil English village?", which is a mortal insult in Wales. Yes there are actually tourists who say stuff like that, usually just before they ask me for directions


Ivory ( 241 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 6, 2006 at 07:55 PM


well i like it for the school holiday! ...but then thats cos i get two weeks of laying in
easter egg chocolate does taste differnet to "normal" chocolate tho doesnt it?
my friend and i reacon theres a conspiricy...that leading up to easter chocolate companies increase the level of coco in things so that by easter you HAVE to have eggs! and more importantly AFTER easter, you cant STOP easting their chocolate! ...... or maybe im just looking for a scape goat *shrug*

we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars


Lady_Castlemaine ( 170 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 6, 2006 at 08:44 PM


What's the Easter equivalent of Scrooge?
That'll be me then, my first year of not being able to eat chocolate, no mini eggs, no cream eggs, no cadbury's egg with buttons inside, no point in living really!!!! BAH!!!

"To play it safe is not to play at all."


silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 6, 2006 at 10:11 PM


Chocy chocy chocyloticocoa. Eat it up YUM.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Lady_Castlemaine ( 170 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 7, 2006 at 01:03 PM


silvertongedevil: Chocy chocy chocyloticocoa. Eat it up YUM.

Thanks for that STD, it really helped - I can entertain the rest of my inmates with that little ditty!!!

"To play it safe is not to play at all."


silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 7, 2006 at 05:38 PM


Well chocolate adiction brings out the worst in me. I'm fine now, as long as I get my chocolate I'm fine.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Ivory ( 241 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 7, 2006 at 05:50 PM


my sister cant eat chocolate- shes lactose intolerent.....she eats it anyway at easter! lol she might be very sick for a few days after, but she REALLY loves chocolate! lol
me- personaly im a white chcolate kindda girl, you know it reflects my life style.... sweet and innocent

we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars


Lady_Castlemaine ( 170 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 8, 2006 at 11:52 AM


Ivory: my sister cant eat chocolate- shes lactose intolerent.....she eats it anyway at easter! lol she might be very sick for a few days after, but she REALLY loves chocolate! lol
me- personaly im a white chcolate kindda girl, you know it reflects my life style.... sweet and innocent

Good job you're favourite isn't Bournville - Dark & Bitter. Even worse, cooking chocolate - cheap and nasty!!! Ialways liked Cadbury's Dairy milk - smooth and indulgent!!

"To play it safe is not to play at all."


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 8, 2006 at 11:53 AM


Ah, Bournville, pretty much how I like my women.


Lady_Castlemaine ( 170 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 8, 2006 at 11:58 AM


FullAuto: Ah, Bournville, pretty much how I like my women.

Sounds like you're used to bad experiences with women FA!! Try a Galaxy style - sophisticated and luxurious (ok now to find one) LC x

"To play it safe is not to play at all."


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 8, 2006 at 12:01 PM


Hey, they're bitter before they meet me. Usually.


Ivory ( 241 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: March 8, 2006 at 06:33 PM


well if you whip in a bit of cream the bornville goes down a treat

we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

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