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The New Suprnova

cyke ( 208 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 19, 2005 at 11:15 PM


Havent checked it out much yet, but thought it worth mentioning;

are starting where suprnova left off, as you'll see by the design.

"A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week." - George S. Patton


Pete ( 701 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 20, 2005 at 07:42 AM


I wonder how long they'll be up... I heard Suprnova went on to create some other bit of kit for peer to peer or something?

Remember kids - piracy is illegal.

Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?


Azrael Strife ( 66 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 20, 2005 at 02:59 PM


Pete: Remember kids - piracy is illegal.

But so good

Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.


Ki-tat Chung ( 12 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 03:09 PM


Suprnova was under too much legal pressure. The site owner decieded to support some new P2P program which didn't require any trackers. YOu gotta love Wikipedia ;P


Pete ( 701 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 03:24 PM


Actually, the full story straight from the horse's mouth is over at - neat eh?

So... bit different than straightforward legal pressure when the press hear about it before you do

Still, he fared far better than if he'd have been in America, where they have a habit of setting the FBI on you and destroying your equipment. I've got a link somewhere to a story whereby a Stargate Fansite owner got raided. He got his equipment back some months later in pieces. I can only assume it was a bit of a Derek Zoolander "the files are in the computer?!" where Hansel (Owen Wilson) finally tries to get at those files by smashing the machine

Not saying the FBI are stupid or anything of the sort, just why the need to smash up the machinery guys?

Let's just have a quick recap of their apparent utter incompetence now I've found a link: http://www.boin...ansite_ope.html

Can ya believe it? I mean, I'm no rocket scientist, but surely all you have to do is run Windows XP's search function? Shouldn't be too hard. Trained chimps could probably manage it.

This kind of thing makes me angry. I mean, it transpires that he was involved with illegal activities (or so the links say at the bottom of the above page... who knows) but destroying computer equipment? Why?

Fair do's, I hate Macs, but... no need

Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 04:13 PM


Apparently he was hosting several episodes for download, I think that was the illegal part. But the furore caused was over the fact that the FBI used the Patriot Act (or whatever the fuck it is) which was supposed to be used for counter-terrorist reasons, not anti-piracy.

Apparently, it's now entirely legal in America for the government to tap your phone at will, they don't need to get a warrant for it.


Pete ( 701 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 04:25 PM


I know - shocking ain't it? Dare I rub it in with a "land of the free indeed!" comment? Oh yes. And how much safer are the general populace from terrorist attacks which is what this bill was supposedly passed for? Roughly 0.00% give or take a point zero there.

Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 04:33 PM


I remember reading something on the net about The Siege (stars Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis, about Islamic terrorists blowing stuff up in New York) and at the initial stages, they asked around about whether it really would be ok to make a film like this, and they were assured it would be fine, because Muslim extremists could never carry out a substantial terrorist attack on the US mainland.



Pete ( 701 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 04:39 PM


Yeah, I only saw the film only fairly recently and they'll definitely not be allowed to make one like it any time soon.

It did have a good storyline though and kept you on your toes. There's too much shying away from things because of real world events. Sometimes movies can put across some very powerful messages. It just gets me down when folks then say things like "well this is obviously where they're getting their ideas from". Those people need to wake up.

Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 04:47 PM


Aye, I can see them now, clustering round the telly and going "Yeah, we should definitely blow up a bus, never thought of that before."

They've only been doing it for fifty fucking years in Israel.

Like Swordfish, got it's release delayed because it featured terrorism. Pretty strange.


Pete ( 701 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 04:50 PM


Yeah. I still haven't seen any buses that were, until seconds ago hanging off helicopters, blowing up and breaking a couple of windows in an office building... maybe they're building up to being able to afford the helicopter?!

I know, it was more likely because of the bit on the street, but I just thought I'd bring in the far-fetched yet cool bit with the dangling bus because let's face it, it was great

Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 23, 2005 at 04:53 PM


"Perhaps we should hire Halle Berry to show her breasts too. Then we could blow up the crowd that gathers?"

"Damn you, Ibrahim, do you know her fee for that sort of thing? If we sold a million copies of Pirates of the Caribbean 2, we still couldn't afford her!"


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