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Wolf Creek

FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: January 8, 2006 at 08:28 PM


This comes out on DVD on the 16th of January, if I remember right. It must be some cop, as it's a low budget Aussie film that's getting a pretty wide release (if only on DVD) and it's been getting some good reviews.

Now, it's about a group of backpackers in Oz who come across a murderous local (based on the Backpacker Murders of the early 90s). Now, I think this is the sort of film that would have once been labelled a video nasty, but I reckon some of these films are actually very good horror films. And let me tell you why. Yes, the smoking jacket and meerschaum are coming out now, so run.

Horror films aren't meant to be pleasant experiences. they're meant to scare us, at least. They may also horrify, disgust and upset us BUT isn't that the point? Those films with downbeat endings where everyone dies...aren't they more realistic, the more likely, compared to bullshit happy endings where after two hours of bloodshed and terror, life goes back to fucking normal?

How many of us would survive, put into similar situations in close proximity to monsters, disasters, serial killers? How many horror films depict such things, and yet one lucky person always escapes? If anyone survives, it can't have been that fucking dangerous in the first place! And don't even get me started on the fact that a lot of the survivors avoided the Reaper through sheer fucking luck. I mean, intelligence, knowledge, experience, skill, it all goes out the fucking window in most films.

And people surviving...that's not horrifying, is it? Whereas, everyone dying or even some surviving but scarred and crippled (mentally, emotionally, physically, whatever) IS because it forces us to know that we don't get away in the end, that the monsters get US, and if they miss we have to live with the knowledge that they only missed this time.

Sorry. Rant over.


Pete ( 701 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: January 8, 2006 at 08:33 PM


I dunno, there were survivors in Event Horizon and it scared the CRAP out of me when I saw it when it came out at the cinema.

It's fairly tame by today's standards, but it was one of the first scary films I'd really seen.

Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?


silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: January 8, 2006 at 08:39 PM


Wooow, is this what's called anger management?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: January 8, 2006 at 08:51 PM


Event Horizon is actually very good. After it's all done, she has nightmares, right? The things that happened stay with her, like they would in real life. You get the feeling that the horror isn't over, even if it's just in her head. There's that eerie atmosphere.

In too many films, you get the impression the day after it's all over the survivor is sat at the dinner table and says "Did I ever tell you about the time I was chased by an immortal serial killer? No? Very funny story, actually. You see, it all began..."

And anger management is stupid, it's a waste of good healthy emotion. Much better to rage on.


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: January 13, 2006 at 07:49 AM


Pretty good film. I shall be buying it on DVD. Some sadistic violence (as you'd expect) and unexpected turns keep the story interesting. Good performances from a young, inexperienced main cast, some beautiful cinematography and a fitting ending.


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