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Anyone Not Got Snow?

silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 29, 2005 at 06:19 PM


It seems like years since we had any snow close to Christmas in the UK. We have had around 6 inches of the stuff and although it looks pretty it's damn cold. It never seemed that cold when I was a sprog. Snow men and snow cars were built everywhere which is a point. I haven't seen a single snowman around here. What's happened to the children of today?

How much have you got?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Slaughter ( 66 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 30, 2005 at 12:47 AM


We've had less and less snow every year it seems. I live at 800 metres above the sea in Norway, and we have 10 centimetres or something. It's ridicules! We used to have two metres at least every winter when I was a kid.

Regarding snowmen, that's a good point. I think kids are more interested in PlayStation than healthy outdoor play these days. Durned parents should send them out! When I was a kid I were RARELY allowed to sit inside playing when the weather was nice outside.

Greetings from Olav (Staff at


Azrael Strife ( 66 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 30, 2005 at 01:53 AM


None, never snows over here

Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.


silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 30, 2005 at 12:26 PM


Slaughter: We've had less and less snow every year it seems. I live at 800 metres above the sea in Norway, and we have 10 centimetres or something. It's ridicules! We used to have two metres at least every winter when I was a kid.

Regarding snowmen, that's a good point. I think kids are more interested in PlayStation than healthy outdoor play these days. Durned parents should send them out! When I was a kid I were RARELY allowed to sit inside playing when the weather was nice outside.

Wow! 10cm in Norway. I'm looking out of a window on the east coast UK and it's deeper than that now and it's still coming down. Sodding freezing too. Yeah, I remember as a child winters could cut off whole communities for weeks but this is the first year for ages I remember any snow worth shouting about. Not many Christmas's ago I went out in a tee shirt and was positively warm.

Where's here Azrael?

I got it from your profile - Montevideo. I guess if it snowed there it would be quite unusual.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Pete ( 701 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 30, 2005 at 01:58 PM


We had tabout 3 centimetres last night in Cheshire (England). Lasted a few hours before heavy rainfall pummelled it into nonexistence

When I was a lad, I remember gettnig snow three feet deep. Just the once mind, but it was a great year!

Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?


cyke ( 208 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 30, 2005 at 04:32 PM


Northern Ireland didnt get any that sat

"A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week." - George S. Patton


silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: December 30, 2005 at 05:15 PM


It's just started raining here - I guess that was it for the snow then. I hate the slush, just hope it doesn't freeze now.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


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