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Outbreak Of Common Sense | December 19, 2005 at 07:58 PM

The use of the word "needs" and "special" in a rearranged order I guess.

To be fair though, special needs covers a lot nowadays rather than mere physical or mental disability (as it did even when I was at high school), and struggling to grasp concepts such as right and wrong is covered by this phrase.

Ergo these "ambulance chasers" are indeed special, as are many other professions where folks such as these go against what they know is right in the quest for a quick buck.

Furniture Of Adventure | December 19, 2005 at 06:26 PM

Well this is where he's going to get all religious and say "Well it only took Jesus three days... what gives?!"

Scarred for life see?

Furniture Of Adventure | December 19, 2005 at 06:11 PM

And when the kid's older it'll be "Son, your grandma's dead" followed by a "No mum, she'll be back in a minute".

The dangers of stupid off-the-cuff comments around little kids are many and varied.

Outbreak Of Common Sense | December 19, 2005 at 07:42 AM

They're certainly special alright...

Furniture Of Adventure | December 19, 2005 at 07:42 AM

I vaguely remember the whole Aslan dying lasting a LOT longer in the series. Oh, I know they had the advantage of making you wait a week, but I'm sure it lasted longer in the book too.

Perhaps ten minutes is the most Disney feel that they can stand to make children cry for?

Auction Fever! | December 16, 2005 at 07:38 AM

Hmm... no weapons for the first few hours sounds like Jedi Knight 2 whereby they give you several hours of background story and gameplay and force you to run around with a blaster the whole time.

Though I take it in this case no weapons means no confrontations? Or just good old fists 'n feet?

Welcome Everyone! | December 15, 2005 at 04:04 PM

*Crosses fingers*

This weekend mate!

The reason I'm crossing my fingers is because I've been saying this to myself for the past three weekends and then thinking "ooh, I'll just finish that up, or change that to run smoother".

To be honest, there's nothing missing really from the front-end apart from a decent login script, a decent registration script and a newsletter signup form. Oh, and a search feature, but I'll add that when we get enough articles worth searching

Just working on the shop section at the moment getting to grips with it's weird skinning ssytem and odd set of templates (knowledge which I can then put to good use at StrategyCore later in the month).

Piracy Warnings. | December 14, 2005 at 06:32 PM

Shall we see if we can get an official line on this from FACT when we get a few more regular visitors to the site?

I reckon we could get a few dozen questions together to make them contradict themselves

Piracy Warnings. | December 14, 2005 at 06:25 PM

But no! I want to show my film on an off-shore oil rig and the warning says I can't!

I love the way they keep throwing this stuff at us, and schools/colleges and other government establishments break the laws at the end of every term/semester/festive period by showing DVD's in those locations it says you're legally not allowed to

The one whereby you're not allowed to let your mates watch it (by lending it to them) is a good'un too

Err... so to be savfe, we should buy a film and seal the house up to make sure there's no peeking from anyone else...?

Piracy Warnings. | December 14, 2005 at 06:07 PM

The best ones I find though are the multilingual copyright notices - you know the ones, they've got the red warning header and white writing on a black background.

I only have this gripe when watching extras on some DVD's where I can be bothered, but despite having just watched a DVD in English, almost invariably after the first extra you watch, you're subjected to the same copyright warning you saw at the very beginning of the DVD in a multitude of different languages.

One DVD - I fail to remember which at the moment - had a good 20 notices (well, same notice 20 languages) apugins for about 30 seconds on each. I let it run, thinking (much like Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap) that the end of each copyright screen would be the leap home to the menu, and the next special feature.


More to the point, this happens often on discs where the language options only give three languages, and those same three languages are available as subtitles. If we assume the other 17 copyright screens are for countries where people may be watching the DVD because they know English, WHY NOT LEAVE IT AT THE ENGLISH VERSION!!!

Piracy Warnings. | December 14, 2005 at 05:50 PM

Shit. I was unaware

Thanks for the info!

Personally, I like having the original versions of everything because it just looks nicer and you occasionally get a neat little booklet etc.

It is rather shit that they make you sit through it though. I can understand it in cinemas, as that's before it;s available on DVD and other easily copyable mediums, but the latest ones with the slides that come down to an ever-more intense background noise - NO NEED!

I had to sit near a speaker as seats were running thin at a screening of something I watche recently and the seats started to vibrate. I couldn't hear because of the fucking ringing in my ears for the first ten minutes of the film!

Wouldn't it be funny if FACT got sued over that?

Don't get me wrong though, I'm with you guys - copyright has a point and should be inforced, but this way is moronic at best. People know it's wrong, and pirates aren't going to be put off by a warning, no matter how much bass you put into the backing track! (Though, they may shut off their DVD copiers if you can make the copyright warning screech as bad as an old ZX Spectrum tape loading a game ).

New Mission Impossible 3 Trailer | December 13, 2005 at 06:51 PM

I had no doubt in my mind what you meant. A film requires one producer. Any more are there to make sure the dolls look right.

New Mission Impossible 3 Trailer | December 13, 2005 at 06:30 PM

Wow. He must be an impressive first-timer to be given a film of this scale.

Hot Fuzz | December 13, 2005 at 06:16 PM

They always come out with the best film titles

New Mission Impossible 3 Trailer | December 13, 2005 at 06:08 PM

Ah, well that changes everything then. The man's a genius

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