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Article Bot | November 22, 2005 at 02:37 PM

FullAuto takes a look at the Leage of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. I. between tucking a hand into his smoking jacket and filling his meerschaum pipe.

Discuss the full article - Britain's Best Comics. by FullAuto below...

Pete | November 22, 2005 at 09:07 PM

Oh well, I ejoyed the film, but having never read the comic I don't know what I'm missing. I do know most of the characters who have prior lives outside of the comics and the film and enjoyed the interesting mix (though oft-wooden acting), though I gather the comics are somewhat better than the film then?

FullAuto | November 22, 2005 at 09:43 PM

Just a tad. No tacky added-on Yank characters, and the film doesn't (and couldn't, to be fair) include a lot of Moore's world. There must be dozens of small touches on each page of the comic (which were left out because they were too small or too British to include in a film), which flesh out the world (the Devil is in the details) and make it more believable.

The film just couldn't do the comic justice, at least not without Moore's help. It's a shame, because lately there's been some good adaptations but this isn't the case with TLOXG, which is disappointing in the face of Spiderman and Sin City (they being pretty complete conversions) but I think the world of TLOXG is a few orders of magnitude more intricate.

If you've not read the comic I imagine you will enjoy the film, but if you've read the comic beforehand, you just walk away thinking "They've left most of it out."

cyke | November 23, 2005 at 10:54 PM

"Thish filmsh shite."

LOL good stuff!

FullAuto | November 23, 2005 at 11:12 PM

Couldn't resist. Connery always cracks me up.

As an Italian who had lived in Japan, visiting Scotland in Highlander: "Feel the shtag."

As a Russian sub captain in Red October: "Captain Marko Ramiush."

As an American scholar in the Last Crusade: "Markush Brody? You gave the diary to Markush Brody?"

As an SAS operative who'd spent thirty years in an American jail. "Maybe I'm looshing my shex appeal."

