The Last Outpost Forums ( )Underworld Evolution


FullAuto | June 27, 2006 at 02:37 AM

I dunno why I bothered watching this. I knew how it was going to end, but Beckinsale is rather lovely, I suppose.

Not sure it makes much sense, really, and there's hardly any smart werewolf versus vampire fights (oh wait, there weren't any in the first film either, never mind). Just run-of-the-mill.

Pete | June 27, 2006 at 08:39 PM

To quote on of my brother's friends after we wtched the first one: "Well that was a pile of arse". Although, thinking about it, it would have made more sense to say "well that was an arse pile" but it was amusing at the time nonetheless.

Do I take it the sequel falls somewhat into the same category?

FullAuto | June 27, 2006 at 09:23 PM

More of the same, mate, yes. The first one was enjoyably brainless even if it did make me drop a whole ten points of IQ, but this was just unimaginative, and I couldn't even switch off and enjoy it.

Some films you can just not think about (Crpenter's Ghosts of Mars, f'r'instance) and it's a fun ride, but only the first few times. This was like watching Underworld again.
