The Last Outpost Forums ( )Hollywood, Fuck Off And Die.


FullAuto | March 6, 2006 at 07:02 AM

You know, I actually don't mind most of America's pathetic attempts to grab glory it never had and had nothing to do with. I laughed at Saving Private Dickhead (ta, Slaughter), U-571: Total American Whitewash and every other fucking thing they've knocked out, but this just goes a step too fucking far.

Eat shit and die, scum.

silvertongedevil | March 6, 2006 at 09:33 AM

Didn't you know FA, the Yanks were in the war from 1939. It was them that did it all, the British were tucked in safely at home drinking tea and playing cricket whilst the Americans won the war for us.

Now then on the matter of Billy Fiske - he had two 'probable kills' which mean they were kept on his record after he died for politeness. Even his loader said ""I can't see how they can make a film of Fiske's life. It was quite short. He was unremarkable." and seeing has he only flew for a couple of months before he was shot down I think Mr Cruise will have his work cut out with this one.
I long since came to conclusion that if you are American and were in the war, you were a God. All the rest of the world that fought and died were scum.

Okay, I'm done.

FullAuto | March 6, 2006 at 12:39 PM

Even the official logbooks and Fiske's own log credit him with three probables and three damaged. I'm not knocking the Yank contribution to the RAF before their official entrance into WWII (several years late, mind you, but the Yanks have always been a bit slow), it was small, nowhere near the level of say the Canadian, Czech or Polish contingent, but it was there. They came, and they fought, and some died. Full respect to them.

But this is going too fucking far. To appropriate a phrase which means the mostly-British fighter pilots of the RAF, responsible for winning the Battle of Britain, a force of arms which has achieved legend status, and which is one of the most-admired things, one of the very highest points in the history of Britain and turn it all around and overstate the importance of a small minority of pilots...Fiske himself would never approve.

If us Brits made a film overstating our importance in WWII (which would be difficult to bloody do) you know you'd hear the Yanks screaming blue bloody murder. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.
