The Last Outpost Forums ( )Darkly Scanning


FullAuto | July 16, 2006 at 12:56 AM

Based on Dick's book of the same name, A Scanner Darkly is directed by Richard Linklater (also directed the brilliant Slacker), and starring Cardboard Keanu, Winona Ryder (when not taking drugs and shoplifting, and Robert Downey Jr (when not taking drugs, drinking enormous amounts and getting arrested), among others.

I quite like the look of the rotoscoping animation, I have to admit. And I love the book. But I still dwell in terror at the thought of thisfilm being bad. Please be good.

Pete | July 16, 2006 at 02:12 PM

Well Robert Downey usually brings every film he's in up a notch just by being there.

My problem is Keanu here - he's not done a cracking performance since Bill & Ted. Dammit Keanu, show us some emotion!

FullAuto | July 17, 2006 at 12:31 PM

Perhaps the animators will be able to help him?

Cardboard Keanu gives us 'Thoughtful':

Then again, perhaps not.

FullAuto | September 26, 2007 at 06:04 AM

Have to admit, I do like this film. NAGATB, but I wasn't expecting it to be. As decent an adaptation of a Dick novel as you're ever likely to see. Not sure about the rotoscoping animation (reminds me of that cel-shaded FPS, XIII), but the odd ripple effect to a lot of the surfaces suits the story quite nicely.

Odd, fairly faithful to the novel, another funny turn by Robert Downey Jr with Woody Harrelson as his opposite number, and Keanu Reeves in the lead role as the drug-addled idiot.

How fitting!

Drugs, paranoia, insanity, surveillance, dystopian future, plots within plots.
