The Last Outpost Forums ( )Bubba Nosferatu


FullAuto | December 24, 2005 at 05:43 AM

A sequel to cult hit Bubba Ho-Tep? Fraid so! Apparently, Coscarelli has twigged he's on to a good thing here, and so has penned a sequel. Bubba Ho-Tep was a fucking good film, however unlikely the premise sounds, and I hope Bubba Nosferatu is just as good.

I sort of doubt it, but Coscarelli is writing (along with Joe R. Lansdale) and directing again, and Bruce Campbell is once again playing The King (that's Elivs, to you know-nothing types) and storyline-wise, it's actually a prequel to BHT. The King, while starring in a film production in the Deep South, comes across some vampires...

Pete | December 24, 2005 at 09:54 AM

Yup - heard about this one a while back. Bruce gets to play all the best parts!

FullAuto | December 24, 2005 at 10:27 PM

If you watch the credits of BHT all the way through, it does give you a subtle hint.

I thought it was a wind-up, but it's actually happening. Shame my DVD disc centre has started to fucking crack! Stupid shitty DVD cases!

FullAuto | January 25, 2006 at 12:37 PM

I haven't played my BHT DVD for a bit, thought I'd keep it to a minimum as the centre of the disc has started to crack, but playing around with it last night, I found The King commentary, which was very amusing.
